
Skydiving: give away vouchers for a tandem jump!

Just let yourself go while skydiving, feel the adrenaline and enjoy the world from a height of thousands of meters – anyone who has jumped with a parachute will do it again and again. When looking for an exciting gift idea, a tandem jump is the right choice. Under the professional guidance of an experienced jumper, even beginners can experience the incomparable feeling of being free between heaven and earth.

Tandem jumps: thrills and a unique experience

Jumping out of an airplane with a parachute ensures moments for the ages. Jumping from a height of 3,000 to 6,000 meters, you can enjoy the free fall for minutes and then floating over impressive landscapes. Tandem jumpers are in the safe hands of an experienced tandem master who takes care of all the important steps related to skydiving.

From the ascent to the free fall, adrenaline shoots through the body, which makes every moment more intense. No wonder that so many jumpers can’t get out of the swarm after their first parachute jump. A jump is of course only possible in good weather and requires some precautionary measures. A professional provider of tandem jumps will of course provide information about this in advance.

The ideal gift for the adventurous

Skydiving is not just an event that you can treat yourself to. The invitation to a tandem jump is also a great gift with which you can surprise sporty and adventurous friends. In our shop you can find out more about jumps offered throughout Germany. Then just put almost where the jump should take place and secure the right voucher.

If you would like to find out more about prices and / or costs or would like further information, our team will be happy to help you personally. If you estimate the costs for a jump in your region correctly, you can hand over a voucher with exactly this amount. After that, all you can look forward to is the radiant face and the excitement that you will bring to a loved one with this unique gift.

Attractive offers for skydiving across Germany

Experience the adventure of skydiving with us all over Germany. In addition to a jump in your home region, you can also make tandem jumps a special experience during your vacation. Just plan early on when and where you want to experience a jump for eternity. Just note that there may be small shifts due to wind and weather.

Take a look at our online shop and secure a voucher for your next tandem jump today! Our entire team looks forward to meeting you and will be happy to help you personally.


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